PELUM Swaziland

Improving the livelihoods of small scale farmers and the sustainability of farming communities by fostering ecological land-use management.
Sustainable and Environmentally friendly way to produce your food!
Are you interested in playing a part in environmental conservation? PELUM offers ways to significantly reduce climate change impact when...
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The Vital Importance of Soil Quality
Soil is often overlooked, yet it is a crucial resource that supports all life on Earth. From nourishing plants to...
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Eswatini Stands with the World: Celebrating World Environment Day
On June 5th, the world united to celebrate World Environment Day under the critical theme of “Land Restoration, Desertification, and...
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Improving Food Security in Eswatini

In eSwatini, everyone is a farmer. It’s in our blood. It is our heritage. Most Swazis farm not for profit but to ensure their families have enough to eat. But in recent years, agricultural productivity in eSwatini has been low. This can be directly related to the changing climate, unavailability of locally adapted seed varieties and a lack of knowledge of ecological farming practices. PELUM eSwatini is working to make sure every household can produce their own food in an environmentally sustainable way.